In sugarcane-producing countries, sugarcane waste is a common source of garbage. Currently, the majority of waste is incinerated in open fields as a quick and convenient method of disposal. When this happens, harmful gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released into the atmosphere. It is lost in gaseous form the nutrients of nitrogen and sulphur found in the waste. 

As a result, humus, which could be used to preserve the productivity of soils, is lost as well. Soil microorganisms, which are critical to soil fertility maintenance, are also killed. 


Cane is produced in India at a rate of 220 million tonnes per year. Annual cane garbage production can range between 22 and 44 metric tons (mt) if 10-20 percent of the harvested cane is wasted. 

Sugarcane fields can benefit immensely by recycling this garbage and preventing soil degradation by doing so. This is a low-cost strategy that increases output over the long term.

Yash Pakka

Yash Pakka, a paper and flexible packaging firm based in Uttar Pradesh, has been on the environmental bandwagon for nearly three decades with its compostable and biodegradable goods.

As the Chuk brand is created from sugarcane residue, the business believes it is an ideal solution for Styrofoam plates and single-use plastics. The Indian Railways, The Park, Hyatt, Haldiram’s, Google, Amazon, and Starbucks are just a few of the company’s high-profile clients. The B-Corp organization has recognized Chuk as one of the top 10 ecologically friendly brands.

Ved Krishna, vice-chairman of Yash Pakka

“Sugarcane bagasse is a renewable resource that we use at Chuk to make environmentally friendly tableware. Compostable items like ours disintegrate in months rather than years like plastics, which can take over 500 years to breakdown. Our tableware is strong enough to keep your favorite dish from leaking out, yet it’s still light enough to transport easily.”

Ved Krishna, vice-chairman of Yash Pakka, adds, “You will be thrilled that your butter chicken smells as good as it was designed to be”


A few things to keep in mind with regards to Yash pakka:

  • Papermaking capacity: 39,100 MT per year, one million pieces of tableware every day, and an 8.5 MW biomass-powered power plant are some of the company’s facilities.
  • Markets for paper, plastic, and biodegradable flexible packaging
  • Rs 202.95 billion in annual revenue
  • By 2025, the goal is to become a global leader with an annual turnover of Rs 1,400-crore.